March 17, 2021
Frequently Asked Questions—FAQs About Cosmetology School
Whether you have had your heart set on cosmetology school for a long time or are simply exploring career options, it’s natural to have a lot of questions. As you look into job prospects and education choices available to you, it is important to research the programs that would best suit your needs. It is highly recommended that you contact an enrollment advisor from an accredited cosmetology school before making any final decisions. In the meantime, here is a FAQ guide answering some of the most frequently asked questions about cosmetology school.
What Is Cosmetology?
Cosmetology is the study of beautification—the practice of providing makeup, skin, nail, and hair services. Cosmetologists study the most recent advances in hair care, skin care, and makeup techniques. They help clients achieve their beauty and styling goals and can assist in maintaining the general health of the skin and hair. Services can include hair cutting, styling, cosmetic applications, and basic skincare treatments.
Are Cosmetology Schools Accredited?
While it is true that there is an abundance of cosmetology schools across the United States, not all are created equal. Accreditation is an important distinguishing feature you should look out for when exploring beauty schools. Not all cosmetology schools or programs are officially accredited. Without accreditation, there is no guarantee on the type of education you will receive or if you will qualify for a cosmetology license afterward. However, that is not to say that these programs can’t also be useful or maintain a high standard.
Accredited cosmetology schools are verified institutions that have proven a standard of education and practice. Most importantly, these distinguished colleges and trade schools have been established to gain you the requirements for licensure. Schools like PJ’s College of Cosmetology meet the required training hours for cosmetology in Indiana and Kentucky (1,500 hours).
Where Is a Cosmetology School Near Me?
Finding a cosmetology school can seem overwhelming at first, but there are a lot of ways to narrow your options and choose the right program for you. As discussed earlier, it is important to pick a school that is accredited. This choice will eliminate some of the programs in your area that may not be suitable for your career goals. Though it may seem obvious, you will need to attend a cosmetology school that is easily accessible to you. In order to allow as many students as possible the chance to attend, many schools will have several campuses spread out across a state or multiple states. For example, PJ’s College of Cosmetology has 11 campuses located throughout Indiana and Kentucky so that more students in the Midwest can attend from various cities. Beyond doing your own research, cosmetology school directories can help you find programs near you via your current zip code.
Are Cosmetology Hours Transferable?
Cosmetology hours from previous programs can possibly be transferred (or partially transferred) to a new school. However, this will largely depend on the type of hours that have been completed and which institution you previously attended. Typically, a program wants to ensure that hours completed at another school are equal in value to their program. In this way, transferring hours from an accredited institution to another is more likely to be possible. Since this is circumstantial, it is imperative that you reach out to an enrollment advisor directly if you are wanting to start a new cosmetology program after completing hours at another school. For some programs, transferring hours may not be possible.
Does Cosmetology Include Nails?
Cosmetology typically focuses on practicing treatments for the hair, skin, and nails. However, nail care under cosmetology programs tends to be more general. Hair care and makeup are often a larger focus in cosmetology school. If you want to become a nail technician, it is recommended to attend a nail technician training program instead. This will give a more extensive education on nail care and high-end techniques.
Can Cosmetology Be Taken Online?
Generally, cosmetology courses are not completed online due to the physical hours required to apply for licensure after a program. In extenuating circumstances, some portions of a program may be online, but usually, cosmetology is a trade that requires in-person hours and hands-on training. Cosmetology involves practicing beautification, styling, and treatments—it is imperative that a student learns these skills by practicing and completing salon/ clinic hours at their institution.
Are Cosmetologists in Demand?
Jobs for hairdressers, cosmetologists, and barbers are expected to grow up to 13% through 2026. Cosmetologists have many prospects and career opportunities ahead as people continue to seek beautification techniques and new technologies keep advancing. This is an industry that will always be developing and changing, creating a need for new cosmetologists trained in leading techniques.
How Much Money Do Cosmetologists Make?
Attending cosmetology school can amount to a rewarding return on your investment. Generally, cosmetology school is substantially cheaper than a four-year institution but still provides exciting career opportunities. Cosmetologists, hairstylists, and barbers can average up to $50,000 annually, including tips. However, some accomplished hairstylists have even been known to make $100,000 or more a year for their in-demand and luxury services. Ultimately, many factors come into play when determining income, such as location, salon size, competition, and client base.
Although this guide answers many of the top questions about cosmetology school, there are details that you cannot get online. In these situations, it is always best to talk to an enrollment advisor directly. At PJ’s, advisors are standing by to answer your questions. Connect online to start communicating with an enrollment advisor today.
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